GOOD MORNING CERAMICS! is back with the 2021 Edition
The most colorful and joyful festival of arts throughout Italy
May 15th and 16th, 2021
simultaneously in 45 Cities of Ceramics in Italy
Good Morning Ceramics 2021 is betting on a “new day”, it is betting on recovery and on rebirth, thanks to industrious trust of the artisans, of those who have not stopped giving shape to ideas, to creativity looking ahead.
“With Good Morning Ceramics! we want to promote artistic and handcrafted ceramics, to bring it back to the center of Italian sensibility and customs. In this weekend of May, which is now set, everyone can discover shops, laboratories, ateliers, but also museums and other places where ceramic is produced and designed every day. The growing success of Buongiorno Ceramica! confirms that we have intercepted a passion and perhaps also an inclination of the Italians. For this reason with AiCC, the Italian Association of the City of Ceramics, promoter of the event, we always keep alive the ‘attention and passion for this art which represents the cultural identity for many Italian territories“, underline the organizers.
The program is in progress and will be available on the website
The events will take place simultaneously over the “two days” in the 45 cities of ancient ceramic tradition throughout the country and in some European ceramic cities.
The event is organized in compliance with the anti Covid-19 regulations.