AEuCC assembly online

IMG_3093-15-12-20-11-58 On Tuesday 10th of December 2020 was held online the general AEuCC assembly, with the presence online of about 30 participants from Italy, Spain, France, Romania, Czech Republic, Germany, Portugal, Austria, Poland, Croatia, Switzerland and Turkey.

AEuCC President Xavier Morant Verdejo (elected in the 2019 assembly held in Manises, Spain) welcomed all the participants, especially the representatives of the original Members (Association of the Cities of Ceramics from Italy, Spain, France and Romania), of the new Members to be admitted in the present meeting (Associations from Czech Republic, Germany and Portugal), to the Observer Members (from Austria and Poland) and to the Cities interested in creating new Associations of Cities of Ceramics in their Countries (Croatia, Switzerland, Turkey) and join in the future AEuCC and expressed appreciation for the time and effort spent for the growing of the European Grouping, which in 2020 sees an enlargement to 7 Members and 4 in “pipeline” preparation to the admission.

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